How my journey began

I've always identified with being a witch! As a young child, I lived for stories about fantasy worlds and mystical beings, wishing I could be transported to those realms. My mom gifted me the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck at age 12 and since then, I have been building a deep connection with tarot and my spirituality.

Prior to launching the Witchy Femme, my career spanned 20 years of social work in the San Francisco Bay Area, with earned Master’s degrees in Public Policy and Administration (MPA) and Social Work (MSW). During this time I worked with youth, families, and the community in the positions of Director, Program Manager, Therapist, and Organizer. In this capacity, I served folx who have been pushed to the margins; connecting them with services, jobs, education, and housing. But what consistently surfaced was crisis intervention as opposed to long-term solutions, the impact and oppression of capitalism, and ultimately the let down of The System.

In late 2019, after completing my MSW, I had the opportunity to take leave from work. I used this time to reconnect with spirituality, picking up my deck more often. As I pulled cards I wasn’t seeking answers, but rather creating space for listening and reconnecting to source. Not long into my leave was March of 2020 (enter Mx. Rona). I found that the reduction in noise created the opportunity for me to expand on my unique gifts of intuition, compassion, authenticity, and healing. Investing time in tarot has allowed me to help others without a cost to my body, continuing in a spirit of service through co-creation and not through grind culture. In 2021, I completed the Anansi Program at the Cecilia Weston Tarot Academy (CWTA). At the beginning of 2022, I completed the EarthWerk Program through CWTA and launched The Witchy Femme.

As The Witchy Femme, my socio-spiritual identity is eclectic and ever-evolving. I draw from Hoodoo spiritual practices, Catholicism, observed sacred holidays, and familial beliefs as my lived theology. Attending CWTA I was able to understand my ancestral traditions including Hoodoo and other African Traditional Religions. All of this informs my own divination and spirituality, which shines through the lens of a Black queer femme and a deep connection to my ancestral roots. My approach as the Witchy Femme is to be a mirror — to reflect experiences of your own spiritual understanding and divine connections through this unique gaze.

Being of service through tarot has allowed me to better understand what it means to be in community with others as well as the importance of creating and holding sacred space. Many of the principles and methodologies I used as a social worker serve me today as a cartomancer, a healer, and a diviner. In this capacity, I support folx so they can learn and unlearn while finding the agency and self-determination to thrive.